Monday, 29 October 2018

Display of Icons/ Flags on Dynamics 365 Editable grids

Applies To : Dynamics 365

As per the requirement, icons/ flags (instead of Yes/ No; to show respective icons for Yes and No accordingly) to be displayed in certain columns on an Editable grid. Team found various solutions but haven’t worked. Instead of writing heavy duty HTML code or tampering source code,  the below simple solution worked:

·         Download “emojis” that are needed.
·         In Option Set configuration, instead of label text copy and  paste the respective “emoji” as needed and no need to change value.
·         Ex: If option set text = “Yes” copy cid:image005.jpg@01D4500D.E58AC1E0 in label text
·         If option set text = “No” copy cid:image006.jpg@01D4500D.E58AC1E0 in label text
·         In Front end, automatically those emojis will appear in the respective column values on an Editable grid.
·         In this case, we need to understand that Option Set is capable of taking icons/ emojis along with string/ text.

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